Waverley Station

Waverleyย  Station is located at the east end of Princess street in Edinburgh. Whilst there are other train stations in Edinburgh such as Haymarket station, Edinburgh park, South Gyle and the Gateway, Waverley Station is the main station.

Located above the Station is the Balmoral hotel. This 5 star hotel was built by the railway and was previously called The North British Station Hotel. It has a large clock tower which can be seen along Princess street. The clock is famous for being set a few minutes fast to allow passengers a few extra minutes to catch their train. The only time of the year it actually tells the correct time is on New Years Eve (Hogmanay) when it is used as part of the countdown to the bells at Midnight.

Entrance & Exit to the Station

The station is located at the bottom of two hills so this means passengers need to ascend out from the station if they are arriving or descend into the station if they are catching a train. located beside the Balmoral hotel is the Waverley steps. This is a set of numerous steps that in recent years have seen a makeover. Now partially enclosed it also has several escalators to help passengers rather than tackle the stairs. There is also access from the steps into Waverley shopping mall. At the other end of the station is the entrance/exit onto market street. This is only a few set of steps and also is home to the taxi rank.

There are also 2 roads that lead out of the station onto Waverley bridge.

More information on Scotrail services, timetables and ticket prices can be found on the Scotrail website.